Shy Viking Indie Productions is our independent label that we use to release all the music that happens in our private recording studio.
Here we use multiple programs and recording techniques to get the best possible sound we can for solid CD releases. On this label Currently are two bands Skogshallen and River of Despair. Here at shy viking studios we mix and master material as well as manage the artwork and websites for all the productions we make. We create merchandise for the bands with the help of our amazing band artist Karisa "Vargsinn" Trigg.
Our goal is to make sure that the artists music gets produced without the problems of a major record label. at the end of the day all the money from cd sales goes back to us the artists, and we use that to improve our gear and release better quality music. We also want to keep the artists musical integrity in tact, there will be no sacrifices made to appeal to large crowds of people with the same taste in bad music. We love the unique the original and above all the independent approach to music.
This in itself was merely kind of a joke at first, the idea came initially from a joke about sweat lodges. often times people in sweat lodges wear little to no clothing sometimes just a sock. Scandinavian countries are also known for having a high percentage of introverted or shy people. The joke goes something like there is a big brutal viking who may chop his enemies to tiny bits, but in the sweat lodge he just doesn't wanna take off his towel because he doesn't feel comfortable being naked around strangers.
It was a silly idea and not one that we think has any real grain of truth to it, especially regarding our Scandinavian ancestors way of being. It was merely a joke idea that was sort of a satire of the representation of people in folk metal. We may look like big burly vikings but at the end of the day we are at home eating dinner with our family. Despite this we still regard vikings as awesome, and the shy viking stuck around to symbolize our small production of awesome music hidden in the vast vacuous space that is the internet.
Vikings were known for their expansive conquesting personality, they were not known to be timid in battle either but rather rushed in. The viking in our logo is quite timid but just try taking off his towel in the Sauna and you'll have a bloodbath on your hands.